Projet de remplacement du "RPiPasserelle" d'Otec.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long. 1.7KB

  1. from pyheatpump.db import RowClass
  2. from pyheatpump.db import sql
  3. from datetime import datetime
  4. from pprint import pprint
  5. from .variable_type import VariableType
  6. from pyheatpump.logger import logger_init
  7. logger = logger_init()
  8. class VariableValue(RowClass):
  9. type: VariableType = None
  10. address: int = None
  11. time: datetime = None
  12. value: int = None
  13. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  14. logger.debug("""Create VariableValue object with attributes\n
  15. :type:{}
  16. :address:{}
  17. :value:{}""".format(*kwargs.values()))
  18. if 'type' in kwargs.keys() and type(kwargs['type']) != VariableType:
  19. kwargs['type'] = VariableType.get(kwargs['type'])
  20. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  21. def insert(self):
  22. try:
  23. sql(
  24. """
  25. INSERT INTO var_value
  26. (type, address, value)
  27. VALUES
  28. ('{}', {}, {})
  29. """.format(
  30. self.type, self.address, self.value
  31. ))
  32. return True
  33. except Exception as e:
  34. print(e)
  35. return False
  36. def get_value(self):
  37. return self.type.cast()(self.value)
  38. @staticmethod
  39. def get(type, address,
  40. try:
  41. row = next(sql(
  42. """
  43. SELECT * FROM var_value
  44. WHERE
  45. type = '{}'
  46. AND address = {}
  47. AND time <= {}
  48. ORDER BY time DESC
  49. LIMIT 1
  50. """.format(
  51. type, address, int(time.strftime('%s'))+1
  52. )))
  53. return VariableValue(**dict(row))
  54. except StopIteration as e:
  55. raise e