Projet de remplacement du "RPiPasserelle" d'Otec.
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères. 3.5KB

  1. from pyheatpump.db import RowClass
  2. from pyheatpump.db import DB
  3. from datetime import date
  4. from .variable_type import VariableType
  5. from pyheatpump.logger import logger_init
  6. logger = logger_init()
  7. class Variable(RowClass):
  8. address: int = None
  9. unit: str = None
  10. last_update: date = None
  11. type: VariableType = None
  12. def __init__(self, **kwargs):
  13. if 'type' in kwargs.keys() and type(kwargs['type']) != VariableType:
  14. kwargs['type'] = VariableType.get(kwargs['type'])
  15. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  16. @property
  17. def type_slabel(self):
  18. return self.type.slabel
  19. def insert(self):
  20. try:
  21. DB.sql(
  22. """INSERT INTO variable
  23. (type, address)
  24. VALUES
  25. (:type_slabel, :address)
  26. """, {
  27. 'type_slabel': self.type_slabel,
  28. 'address': self.address
  29. })
  30. return True
  31. except Exception as e:
  32. logger.error('Variable.insert: %s', e)
  33. return False
  34. def exists(self):
  35. try:
  36. return bool(next(DB.sql(
  37. """SELECT 1 FROM variable
  38. WHERE type=:type AND address=:address
  39. """, {
  40. 'type': self.type.slabel,
  41. 'address': self.address
  42. })))
  43. except StopIteration:
  44. return False
  45. @staticmethod
  46. def getall():
  47. return {
  48. row.slabel: Variable.getall_of_type(row)
  49. for _, row in VariableType.getall().items()
  50. }
  51. @staticmethod
  52. def getall_of_type(var_type: VariableType) -> dict:
  53. return {
  54. row['address']: Variable(**dict(row))
  55. for row in DB.sql(
  56. """SELECT * FROM variable
  57. WHERE type = :slabel
  58. AND address >= :start_address
  59. AND address <= :end_address""", {
  60. 'slabel': var_type.slabel,
  61. 'start_address': var_type.start_address,
  62. 'end_address': var_type.end_address
  63. })
  64. }
  65. @staticmethod
  66. def getall_values_of_type(var_type: VariableType) -> dict:
  67. return Variable.getall_values_of_type_since(var_type, 0)
  68. @staticmethod
  69. def getall_values_of_type_since(var_type: VariableType, since: int) -> dict:
  70. """
  71. floatcast = lambda x: round(float(x) / 10, 2)
  72. cast_fct = floatcast if type.slabel == 'A' else lambda x: x
  73. """
  74. if not var_type.cast():
  75. # Should not happen
  76. return {}
  77. params = {
  78. 'slabel': var_type.slabel,
  79. 'start_address': var_type.start_address,
  80. 'end_address': var_type.end_address,
  81. 'since': since
  82. }
  83. return {
  84. row['address']: var_type.cast()(row['value'])
  85. for row in DB.sql(
  86. """SELECT var.address as address, val.value as value
  87. FROM variable var
  88. LEFT JOIN var_value val ON
  89. var.type = val.type
  90. AND var.address = val.address
  91. AND var.last_update = val.time
  92. WHERE
  93. var.type = :slabel
  94. AND var.address >= :start_address
  95. AND var.address <= :end_address
  96. AND var.last_update > :since""",
  97. params)
  98. if 'address' in row.keys() and 'value' in row.keys() and
  99. row['value'] is not None
  100. }
  101. def modbus_update(self):
  102. if self.type == 'A':
  103. pass
  104. elif self.type == 'I':
  105. pass
  106. elif self.type == 'D':
  107. pass