# Install instructions ## Resources You'll need a rasbpiOs image, and the kernel and dtb for qemu ## Procedure ### Enlarge img The downloaded img is resized on the SD card during the installation. We will need more space on the img. Qemu has command for that : ``` qemu-img resize rpi.img +1G ``` ### After booting Log-in : rpi Password : raspberry Login as root : ``` sudo su ``` Create udev rules : ``` cat << EOF > /etc/udev/rules.d/42-rs485.rules SUBSYSTEMS=="usb-serial", DRIVERS=="ftdi_sio", SYMLINK+="rs485" EOF ``` #### Dependencies ``` apt install git sqlite3 python3-pip python3-click python3-requests python3-netifaces python3-serial ``` #### Deployment Deploy pyHeatpump. Replace MONITORING_SERVER with the address of your server : ``` mkdir /var/lib/pyheatpump echo 'pip3 install --upgrade git+https://git.yannweb.net/cli/pyHeatpump.git' > /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_upgrade.sh chmod +x /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_upgrade.sh /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_upgrade.sh ``` #### Database initialisation ``` cat << EOF > /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump.sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS var_type ( slabel CHAR(1) UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, label VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE, type VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, start_address INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, end_address INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 250 ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS variable ( type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, address INT NOT NULL, unit VARCHAR(5) NULL, last_update INT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (type) REFERENCES var_type(slabel) ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY(type, address) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS var_value ( type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, address INT NOT NULL, time INT DEFAULT (strftime('%s', datetime('now'))), value INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (type) REFERENCES variable(type) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (address) REFERENCES variable(address) ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY(type, address, time) ); INSERT INTO var_type (slabel, label, type, start_address, end_address) VALUES ( 'A', 'Analog', 'float', 1, 5000); INSERT INTO var_type (slabel, label, type, start_address, end_address) VALUES ( 'I', 'Integer', 'int', 5002, 10002); INSERT INTO var_type (slabel, label, type, start_address, end_address) VALUES ( 'D', 'Digital', 'bool', 1, 2048); CREATE TRIGGER variable_last_update AFTER INSERT ON var_value FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE variable SET last_update = NEW.time WHERE type = NEW.type AND address = NEW.address; END; EOF sqlite3 -init /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump.sql /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump.sqlite3 ``` #### PyHeatpump configuration file ``` cat << EOF > /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump.ini [heatpump] database = /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump.sqlite3 serial_port = /dev/rsa485 [supervisor] scheme = https host = MONITORING_SERVER port = 8081 post_path = /Symfony/web/app_dev.php/boardws/insert get_path = /Symfony/web/app_dev.php/boardws/orders interval = 60 heatpump_id = 42 [api] host = port = 80 EOF ``` #### API Service (no-need in production) ``` cat << EOF > /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_api.service [Unit] Description=API to fetch data from heatpump with HTTP After=network.target [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/pyheatpump/ Environment="LOGLEVEL=INFO" ExecStart=/usr/bin/env pyheatpump run KillMode=mixed TimeoutStopSec=30 PrivateTmp=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF ``` #### Fetch Service ``` cat << EOF > /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_fetch.service [Unit] Description=pyHeatpump fetch - retrieve the data from the serial port with modbus Wants=dev-rs485.device [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/pyheatpump/ Environment="LOGLEVEL=INFO" ExecStart=/usr/bin/env pyheatpump fetch -t D -t A -t I ExecStop=/usr/bin/env pyheatpump supervise --since KillMode=mixed TimeoutStopSec=30 PrivateTmp=true EOF ``` #### Fetch Timer ``` cat << EOF > /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_fetch.service [Unit] Description=Timer to launch pyheatpump fetch every minute [Timer] OnStartSec=15sec OnUnitInactiveSec=1m [Install] WantedBy=timers.target EOF ``` #### Installation of the services ``` cd /etc/systemd/system ln -s /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_api.service ln -s /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_fetch.service ln -s /var/lib/pyheatpump/pyheatpump_fetch.timer systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable pyheatpump_api.service pyheatpump_fetch.timer pyheatpump_supervise.timer ``` You may now reboot to see if everything works.