openapi: "3.0.0" info: title: PyHeatpump API specifications version: 0.1.0 paths: /: get: operation: get_specs summary: List API specs (read this file) responses: '200': description: 200 response content: application/json: examples: value: [route1, route2, ..., routeN] /config: get: operation: get_config summary: Retrieves current configuration values responses: '200': description: The dictionary of configuration content: application/json: examples: configuration: heatpump: option: value supervisor: option: value '500': description: Failed to get configuration post: operation: set_config summary: Sets the configuration values content: application/json: examples: valuesToSet: heatpump: database: memory supervisor: scheme: https host: text/plain: examples: valuesToSet: heatpump.serial_port=/dev/serial0 responses: '200': description: Setting configuration succeeded '403': description: Setting configuration forbidden '404': description: Specified setting does not exists '415': description: Sent data cannot be treated /variable_types: get: operation: get_variable_types summary: Retrieves the list of variable types and their parameters responses: '200': description: The variable types details, as described in the database tab var_types content: application/json: examples: variableTypes: analog: slabel: A type: float start_address: 0 end_address: 250 integer: slabel: I type: int start_address: 0 end_address: 250 digital: slabel: D type: boolean start_address: 0 end_address: 250 set: operation: set_variable_types summary: Retrieves the list of variable types and their parameters content: application/json: examples: variableTypes: analog: slabel: A type: float start_address: 0 end_address: 250 integer: slabel: I type: int start_address: 0 end_address: 250 digital: slabel: D type: boolean start_address: 0 end_address: 250 responses: '200': description: The variable types details were correctly set. /variables: get: operation: get_variables summary: Retrieves a list of variables, by type parameters: changed: description: List only variables where values changed since last fetch errored: description: Listen only variables that the program was unable to fetch responses: '200': application/json: description: List of the variables examples: variablesList: A: - 42: 34 - 24: 43 I: - 4200: 777 post: operation: set_variables summary: Make changes to some variables content: application/json: description: List of the changes to make examples: variablesToSet: A: 42: 34 24: 43 I: 4200: 777 D: 100: 1 200: 0 responses: '500': description: Some variables cannot be set content: examples: variablesErrored: A: - 42 - 24 I: - 4200 - 420