123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- #!/bin/bash
- echo "ARGS are : $@"
- set -e
- ODOO="/opt/odoo/odoo/odoo-bin"
- if [ -v PASSWORD_FILE ]; then
- fi
- # set the postgres database host, port, user and password according to the environment
- # and pass them as arguments to the odoo process if not present in the config file
- : ${HOST:=${DB_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR:='db'}}
- : ${PORT:=${DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT:=5432}}
- : ${PASSWORD:=${DB_ENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD:=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD:='9fbacb5390fa08b1cea5c141498134021bead7ada7aa1731e6fdd3eae60af92b'}}}
- DB_ARGS=()
- function check_config() {
- param="$1"
- value="$2"
- if grep -q -E "^\s*\b${param}\b\s*=" "$ODOO_RC" ; then
- value=$(grep -E "^\s*\b${param}\b\s*=" "$ODOO_RC" |cut -d " " -f3|sed 's/["\n\r]//g')
- fi;
- DB_ARGS+=("--${param}")
- DB_ARGS+=("${value}")
- }
- check_config "db_host" "$HOST"
- check_config "db_port" "$PORT"
- check_config "db_user" "$USER"
- check_config "db_password" "$PASSWORD"
- case "$1" in
- -- | odoo)
- shift
- if [[ "$1" == "scaffold" ]] ; then
- exec $ODOO "$@"
- else
- wait-for-psql.py ${DB_ARGS[@]} --timeout=30
- exec $ODOO "$@" "${DB_ARGS[@]}"
- fi
- ;;
- -*)
- wait-for-psql.py ${DB_ARGS[@]} --timeout=30
- exec $ODOO "$@" "${DB_ARGS[@]}"
- ;;
- *)
- exec "$@"
- esac
- exit 1